

Drip is a concept app created during my study at college, it is designed to minimize the distribution of counterfeit apparels in the market which will build the trust between the buyers and sellers in the thrift and reselling market.

Role & Responsibilities

I worked with the team in analyzing user research, making of Idea list, Feasibility graph, Concept list and independently on Wireframing, and Iterating with stakeholder feedback to create a final prototyped solution.

Design Process


Problem: There is no authentic network/application for buyers and sellers in the thrift and reselling market which increases the chance of the distribution of counterfeit products in the market.

In Primary Research, we conducted both online and physical surveys in our user research where we asked the user questions and their experiences. Our research aimed to know — ease of use, problem faced by the users and an ideal platform to do all of it.

In my Secondary Research, we started by conducting market research and competitor analysis to better understand who my competitors were and what they did well or poorly.

Competitive Analysis

Statement &

Our findings revealed that there were no well-known, direct competitors to our app. This meant that the potential for Drip was huge. However, this was also its biggest risk (i.e. Why wasn't there another app like this already?). We sought to overcome this risk by seizing the opportunity and creating an app users didn't know they needed.

Our findings also helped us shape our problem statement and possible solutions Our original problem statement has remained consistent throughout the app's development, though the solutions have changed slightly as We've progressed.

User Interviews

I conducted remote user interviews to gain a well-rounded understanding of my user's needs, goals, and points of friction. I asked questions focused on users' experiences with thrifting & reselling. I then analyzed my user's answers to gain overarching insights.

The user research helped me confirm or revise my possible solutions, idea list and user stories. From there, I decided to use the Feasibility graph of Ideas to check the Novelty & Business Viability and then at last create the app with the following main functions:

User Persona &

Using my findings from the inspiration phase, I created three user personas to represent users with different backgrounds and needs.

I created user journeys to help me empathise with potential users.

Customer Journey Map

Find a sneaker from any reseller with the best deal & buy it.

Information Architecture

User Flow

Signing up & buying a sneaker from the app


Home Screen

Now it's easier for the user to explore top brands, what's new in the market and what's made especially for them.


The categories helps users in selecting what they are looking for like whether they want to buy topwear, bottomwear etc. and they also get a option to buy thrifted clothes or top brand apparels.


The users will be able to see the condtion of any apparel, shoes or product whether it is used or deadstock when they open it.


Making payments are much easier by adding more options to pay from for the users to choose and each gateway is protected by TLS encryption which increses the trust of user on the app. Oher than this user to track their order without any hassle directly from the app.